Friday, March 20, 2009

San Giuseppe Day

Over a Tuscan Stove is one of the blogs I follow and link to from my own. The blog is written by Judy Witts, the self-proclaimed "DIVA" of Divina Cucina. On Wednesday she gave us a heads up that the following day, March 19, is the celebration of San Guiseppe, or Joseph, Earthly father of Christ.

In celebration of the day, Diva Judy featured Frittelle di Riso, or fried sweet rice fritters (recipe). They looked delicious-what's not to love about fried bread coated in sugar?

The Frettelle were quite good. They weren't overly sweet like a donut. The light sugar, lemon rind, and splash of liqueur gave the rice a nice flavor. Actually, I used liquor, not liqueur. Somewhere along the line we were given what I presume to be a very nice bottle of 12-year-old Scotch. No one here drinks Scotch, so I keep dipping into it for recipes. I'm sure a Scotch-lover would be horrified, but it does make nice marinades.

The picture above shows my fritelle, and the one below shows Diva Judy's, linked from her site. Her's look like beignets, and mine look like hash browns. And THAT, Signore e Signori, is why she is the Diva, and I am...well, my family loved them, so don't tell them about hers.

Judy, I swear I followed your recipe exactly, except that I halved it. I have learned that when trying something new, dont make too big a mistake. [See Potato Candy Experiment for a good example of that lesson.]

Thanks for the culture lessons, Diva Judy, and for the recipe, which I might work on and refine, or maybe I will just try another one from your site.
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