Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bluebirds of Happiness?

This lovely couple showed up on the back porch at Villa Pellegrini. I tried several times to get a picture of them, but every time they showed up, and I ran for the camera, they would see me through the window and fly away.

Then Mrs. Bluebird took a notion that she wanted to nest inside Villa Pellegrini. Her determination reminded me of Mrs. Bird in P.D. Eastman's The Best Nest. Not to mention the way she wagged her husband around making unreasonable demands.

She flew repeatedly at the window and pretty much stopped paying attention to me on the other side. At first I worried about her crashing into the glass over and over. We have had several birds meet their maker against the windows, leaving bird smudges on their way to the ground.

Then she just got annoying. She made her way all they way around the house, trying window after window and enlisting Mr. Bird in her quest. They have come back each day this week and spend several hours--generally from sunup to around 10 or 11am taking turns crashing into the windows, looking for a way in and completely undeterred by repeated failure.

So should I take it as a compliment that these symbols of happiness want in my house, or is it some kind of strange omen?

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